Writings / Password management, no cloud, no compromise

Wed, 18 Oct 2023

Password management, no cloud, no compromise

If you are not using any password manager at this point, I highly recommend KeePassXC, a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) password manager [^1]. There are a plethora of password managers available, however here, I only cover KeePassXC. Specifically setting it up for use on Linux and Android devices. If you are on Windows, I can redirect you to this this video, which explains how to set up up KeePassXC with syncthing. Analogous to this setup for the most part.

[^1]: That is, free as in free, no lock-in / freemium surprises or other deceits.


In this example we will assume a database file ~/doc/passwd.kdbx, but feel free to pick your path. I won’t go into the installation, but on most distros the package is available under the name keepassxc. Should any issues arise, I recommend you to check the KeePassXC documentation or the Arch wiki page on KeePassXC.

Creating the database

After installing KeePassXC and and ) you can create the database ~/doc/passwd.kdbx. When creating the database make sure to use a strong master password and perhaps a key file. I like to use a ten word diceware passphrase for this (can be generated from within KeePassXC), e.g.:

recoup squall mustang mutation equal most skincare heroics decree jumble`

Browser integration

For Firefox, you should install the KeePassXC-Browser add-on, (similarly, for Chrome you can find the KeePassXC-Browser extension extension in the Chrome Web Store).

The KeePassXC documentation does a good job explaining how to link this to your database.

Android setup

Install either of the following apps:


For syncing your database accross devices (including Android), you can use Syncthing. E.g. to sync the *.kdbx files (optionally, with corresponding key files) in the ~/doc/ directory, you can add a Syncthing ‘folder’ with the following configuration:

Under General:

  • Folder Label: Password databases
  • Folder ID: password-databases
  • Folder Path: /home/h/doc/

Under Sharing:

Enable the devices you want to share this directory with.

Under Ignore Patterns:

Add the following to only synchronize your database and key files.


Scheduled backup

For daily backup, you can use an rclone script that uploads the database to cloud storage. To automate this, you can run it from a systemd service (with a systemd timer). An example would be the following rclone script (e.g. ~/.bin/save-passwdb) and systemd services [^2] .

[^2]: Under the Do What the Fuck You Want To Public License (WTFPL)

# Save (encrypted) password database to cloud storage
# Can be run manually or daily by enabling the corresponding systemd user
# service and timer, i.e.
# `systemctl --user enable save-passwddb.service`
# `systemctl --user enable save-passwddb.timer`

if [ 0 -lt "$(ls $HOME/doc/*.kdbx 2>/dev/null | wc -w)" ]; then
  rclone copy "$HOME/doc" google-drive: --include "*.kdbx"
  rclone copy "$HOME/doc" google-drive: --include "*.kdbx.key"
  echo "No password database found, use the following commands to restore"
  echo ""
  echo "rclone copy google-drive: "$HOME/doc" --include "*.kdbx""
  echo "rclone copy google-drive: "$HOME/doc" --include "*.kdbx.key""
  exit 1

The systemd service (e.g. ~/.config/systemd/user/save-passwddb.service)

Description=Save KeypassXC password database to cloud



The systemd timer (e.g. ~/.config/systemd/user/save-passwddb.timer)

Description=Save Keepass password database to cloud daily



ssh-agent setup

Additional you can integrate ssh-agent with KeePassXC as follows (for a more complete overview see the KeePassXC documentation). This is useful for automatically unlocking your SSH keys whenever your database is unlocked.

In .bash_profile

export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/ssh-agent.socket"

In ~/.config/systemd/user/ssh-agent.service

Description=SSH Key agent

ExecStart=/usr/bin/ssh-agent -D -a $SSH_AUTH_SOCK


Then just

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user enable ssh-agent
systemctl --user start ssh-agent

GPG Setup

To be continued/completed…

Two-factor authentication

To be continued/completed…

In short: I use a second database `mfa.kdbx` for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) tokens.
